Corporate IT Training in Nepal

Corporate IT Training in Nepal | A New Trend

Corporations all around the world have adapted to advanced information technologies such as digital marketing, CRM, ERP, etc. No corporation can deny adapting to digitalization and so do the employees. There is a huge need for digital career profiles for employees and LinkedIn is the best social platform to do so. Unlike Facebook, Instagram, and other social media, the LinkedIn profile is a purely professional profile that helps a person to demonstrate his/her career profile to the world of business and corporations.

Corporations have started employee development programs by offering different kinds of corporate training such as corporate seminars, employee development workshops, employee growth training, and others. In the present era, corporate IT training is one of the most demanding employee growth training in corporate sectors. 

Corporate IT training is growing in Nepal as out of several IT needs of the corporations, they are trying to fulfill them by their selves. If we take examples, LinkedIn Training, Photoshop Training, and Social Media Handling Training are some of them. These kinds of training are offered by corporations with the objective of first internal resource management for the company and second the personal development program for employees.

Why Skill Training Nepal for Corporate IT Training?

Skill Training Nepal is a team of dedicated, energetic professionals in Nepal offering different kinds of IT training services in Nepal. Corporate IT training is one of the most professional and highly emphasized services under the service categories of Skill Training Nepal. Being IT professionals, we are always dedicated to letting corporations know about the training that is best suited for their organizations.

The best part of choosing Skill Training Nepal is that we offer customized services, i.e. our training services are designed as per the requirements of the corporations. Based on corporate requirements on time, content, and level of training, we customize the IT training and make it the best suit for the corporate employees.

Our Training Models

  • On-site Training: Skill Training Nepal offers corporate training in its own premises, i.e. Skill Training labs.
  • In-house Training: We also possess sufficient resources to offer the training on the corporation’s premises.
  • Off-site Training: This is the training conducted in some kind of seminar hall of Hotels, Banquets, etc.
  • Online Training: These are the pieces of training on the online platform using the tools such as Google Meet, Zoom, MS Teams, etc.

What are the Corporate IT Trainings in Nepal?

There are several types of IT training demanded by corporations in Nepal. Almost all of the requirements for IT Training are offered by Skill Training Nepal. Since IT has a broad range of subjects, corporations don’t demand core top-level IT training. However, corporations demand short-term IT training that serves the objective of employee growth, employee empowerment, employee development, and employee skill development.

Corporate LinkedIn Training in Nepal

LinkedIn is a professional social media platform where professionals from different corporate sectors maintain their career profiles and share their thoughts. In this digitalized world, everyone is supposed to have an attractive digital profile so that professionals worldwide can connect with each other and share common professional practices.

Since Nepal is one of the fastest-growing countries in terms of Information Technology, Nepalese corporations have started going digital and maintaining digital profiles. Professionals in the corporate sector are supposed to have an attractive LinkedIn profile.

However, LinkedIn is comparatively a new trend in Nepal than other social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. Hence, it requires proper knowledge of the LinkedIn platform so that corporate professionals maintain an attractive LinkedIn profile. This is the reason why Skill Training Nepal has come up with LinkedIn training in Nepal.

Benefits of Corporate LinkedIn Training at Skill Training Nepal

As it is well known that LinkedIn is a new trend in Nepal, Corporations have highly demanded the LinkedIn workshop in Nepal. Skill Training Nepal is a pioneer in offering corporate LinkedIn Training in Nepal. Being a qualified and certified LinkedIn Training Center in Kathmandu, we have offered LinkedIn Workshops to big corporates in Nepal.

As a professional, you should have your digital profile and for that, you need proper LinkedIn training. Corporate training on LinkedIn from Skill Training Nepal will make you a professional LinkedIn user. If you search for a LinkedIn Workshop provider in Nepal, Skill Training Nepal is the first on your list.

Benefits of LinkedIn Training in Nepal

Since you all know what is a LinkedIn profile, now you must know why you need LinkedIn Training. Your attractive LinkedIn profile reflects your career in digital form. The following are the benefits of LinkedIn training in Nepal;

  • To make an attractive digital profile
  • To get connected to the best professionals from corporations all over the world
  • To showcase your career profile on the digital platform
  • To have access to better career opportunities through LinkedIn Jobs
  • To share professional and business ideas with a mass of professionals

Corporate Photoshop Training

Photoshop is one of the most popular and highly used software by graphic lovers as well as professional graphic designers. Almost every corporation needs graphic designs and designers these days for different purposes such as social media posting, printable stuff like broacher and visiting cards, environmental designs, etc. The interesting thing is, corporations have started offering Photoshop training to their staff in assistance with the corporate training providers.

Corporate Photoshop training is offered to corporate employees in order to make them skillful so that they can contribute to the fundamental design requirements of the corporations. These kinds of corporate training are very effective to promote employee welfare and development. To support the needs of corporations, Skill Training Nepal has started offering corporate Photoshop Training in Nepal.

Benefits of Corporate Photoshop Training in Nepal

Photoshop in itself is a highly required tool for professional as well as non-professional graphic designers. In everyday personal as well as professional life, we keep dealing with a number of graphic designs and we wonder how they are created. When we get to know that those creations are easy to create with a tool called Adobe Photoshop, it creates a sense of willingness to learn it.

As corporations also spend a huge amount on the different kinds of designs they require on a daily basis, it is a very rational and genuine decision that they should train their employees in Photoshop so that the regularly needed designs can be created from within the organizational staff.

Corporate Social Media Handling Training

Social media handling is a big deal in today’s business as well as personal life. When we talk about social media, it includes Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. There is a huge impact and influence of social media in the current digital world. From individual personnel to big corporate houses, there is a trend and a need of being in social media. When it is to corporate social media, it has become the best tool and mode for promotion and marketing.

If we observe the general trend in the social media marketing of corporations, it is seen that corporations outsource digital marketing agencies and those agencies handle the social media of the corporations. However, due to the high costs and mismanagement issues, corporations have started growing their own employees by providing them with social media training.

Benefits of Corporate Social Media Handling Training

Corporate social media handling is a big issue these days and corporations are trying their best to handle it well. If corporations take one step ahead and start offering their employees training on social media handling, things may go well. There are two major benefits that corporations get from social media handling training. First, they fulfill the objective of corporate training, employee growth, and development. Second, they can grow the internal resources for their company that can handle social media for their corporation.

Other Corporate Training

  1. Advance Excel Training
  2. Accounting Package Training
  3. SETA Programs
  4. Computer Hardware Workshops
Trishna Avatar
Trishna - 1 year ago
We are looking for offsite corporate training and development programs for our employees. So do you have any such programs and trainers available? Please contact me immediately. Looking forward to hear from you. Regards, Trishna Bhattachan

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